News filtered by date: Juny 2020

Three teams are to represent Andorra in the Spanish WRO final

The competition was held this week in a rather different format due to COVID-19

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A more limited version of the Andorra WRO robotics competition will be held with no audience

Four teams will take part in an event to be held over two days to ensure compliance with social distancing measures required due to the COVID-19 crisis

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Free, open Wi-Fi for the whole of the Ordino town centre

The municipality is contracting Andorra Telecom to install a wireless network to provide services to both citizens and tourists

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Andorra Telecom is also handing over the Endesa League advertising to Andorra Turisme

We support ​​MoraBanc’s idea to maximise the promotion of Andorra as a tourist destination.

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C/ Prat de la Creu nº 2
AD500 Andorra la Vella
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Truca’ns al 115,
o al (+376) 301 115 si ets a l’estranger.
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875 000
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Preu de la trucada 2 € d'establiment i 0,26 € per minut.
De 8h a 24h (de dilluns a diumenge).