News filtered by category: Culture

Andorra Telecom is heavily involved with the premiere of the new Star Wars film

They are readying a space where people can take selfies posing with the characters, and a marathon film run which will conclude with the projection of the saga´s most recent instalment

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Andorra Telecom Presents the Technological Experience of the New Espai Columba

We are sponsoring the Museum that houses the frescoes from the Church of Santa Coloma

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Preview of the TV series Félix at the Illa Carlemany

The Movistar+ production features an Argentine teacher living in Andorra

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The Path, the thread running through the second exhibition of the Carmen Thyssen Museum Andorra

'Allées et venues. Gauguin and four centuries of roads and paths in art' is the title of the second exhibition of the Carmen Thyssen Museum Andorra, which opens to public viewing this Friday and runs until 10 September

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Andorra Telecom participates in the première of the new Star Wars episode

It invites its customers to a special pass for episode VIII entitled “The Last Jedi”, for the early hours session from Thursday to Friday at the Illa Carlemany Cinemas

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C/ Prat de la Creu nº 2
AD500 Andorra la Vella
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