News filtered by tag: corporate social responsibility

Andorra Telecom Assigns Social SMS Numbers to Five Charitable Projects

AMIDA, AUTEA, Cooperand amb Llatinoamèrica, Infants del món and Laika will be able to raise funds by means of text messages

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Andorra Telecom provides the Fire Department with a pioneering system for locating people

The Lifeseeker tool will enable it to detect a mobile phone from a helicopter, even in areas without coverage.

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Five entities present projects to join Andorra Telecom's Social SMS

During the month of October, the proposals presented will be evaluated and, at the end of the month, the short numbers for the accepted projects will be allocated.

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Andorra Telecom awards SMS numbers to social entities to raise funds

The public call for applying for three-digit numbers to fund projects of a charitable nature has been launched. The period for sending applications ends on 17 September

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Andorra Telecom is to collaborate with the Penitentiary Facility

Inmates will do paid work as part of the agreement signed today by the Minister of Social Affairs, Interior and Justice, Xavier Espot, and the Director of the telecommunications company, Jordi Nadal

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C/ Prat de la Creu nº 2
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