School harassment or bullying

Have you ever been a victim of bullying or have you known someone who has?

Most likely the answer is yes, unfortunately, for one reason or another. Therefore, you know the nightmare that it represents for the child victim to meet the bully again. The fear of going through the school doors again, of entering the courts where he practices sport, of going to the meeting space. These are specific moments in which the bullying child is lying in wait ready to do harm. Specific moments, which generate continuous emotional discomfort.

Well now, think about a discomfort that is not generated in a specific way, that you don't need to go to a specific space, that you don't need to find a specific person. Think of a discomfort that is generated at all hours, that does not depend on any place, that goes far beyond the person who initiates it, that whoever does it can have total impunity thanks to the virtual sphere. This is cyberbullying, digital bullying 24/7.

Unlike "traditional" bullying, cyberbullying is the result of our time, of the digital revolution. And instead of having a common basic component, and from Dan Olweus sufficiently typified, cyberbullying is a monster with a thousand faces: messages with threats, rumors, exclusions from social groups, dissemination of compromised images (sexting), dissemination of profiles fakes (fraping), recording and dissemination of physical, verbal or sexual aggression (happy slapping), attempt to deceive an adult to establish bonds with a child with the aim of sexual satisfaction (grooming), predatory harassment (stalking ), ...

However, this new reality must and can be faced with knowledge, communication, training and tools. And, as a positive part of the digital revolution, a good use of technology, a humanistic technology, plays a very relevant role.

The results of the b-resol barometer show that in the centers that have this solution that allows children, observers above all, to alert trusted people of any element that disturbs their emotional well-being, they have a percentage of cyberbullying of only 1%. And we won't stop until it's 0%.

Anàlisi de cinema, sèries,
internet i videojocs.

L'anàlisi de cine, sèries, Internet i videojocs
des d'una òptica informativa i pedagògica entorn
de les novetats dels continguts audiovisuals.

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