Andorra Telecom

The Electromagnetic Field Monitoring System of the Principality of Andorra allows all residents to consult the results of electromagnetic radiation in real-time in various points across Andorra through its website

The system consists of a total of ten probes distributed in the different parishes which measure the radiation level, the results of which have all been far below the maximum threshold recommended by international bodies such as the World Health Organisation, the International Telecommunication Union, or the European Union.

The measurement equipment regularly displays results which are generally found 25 times beneath the maximum recommended threshold. The worst measurements taken were six times below the threshold.

Electromagnetic radiation comes from various sources, from FM radio and radio links to DTTV, mobile telephony and Wi-Fi systems.

The probes were installed in heavily populated areas with good service coverage and which receive radiation from more than one antenna. They are also placed at high ground, where the impact from the waves is greater.

In addition to permanent probes, Andorra Telecom has made measurements using temporary monitoring probes at all of the country's education centres.

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