Andorra Telecom

How to obtain an .ad domain?

NIC Andorra
To register and obtain an .ad domain name you have to contact two bodies that operate in this field in the Principality of Andorra:
  • The OMPA (Trademark and Patent Office of Andorra), for administrative purposes:
    • trademark registration
    • domain registration derived from the trademark
    • management and invoicing of registrations and renewals
    • administrative and billing contacts
  • Andorra Telecom, for technical purposes:
    • management of the technical form filled in by the customer with their DNS and technical contact
    • delegation of domain to client-informed DNS (we do not offer DNS Hosting)

Steps required to obtain an .ad domain

1. Contact the OMPA for the administrative formalities

Register the trademark (for commercial or private use) with the OMPA.
Register the domain name with the OMPA.
Go to or directly contact

2. Both natural and legal persons residing in the Principality of Andorra can act directly with the OMPA

Natural and legal persons NOT residing in the Principality of Andorra must be represented to the OMPA by an accredited proxy:

3. Once the domain name has been registered with the OMPA, contact Andorra Telecom for the technical formalities.

4. Andorra Telecom will activate the domain name online.

Frequently asked questions

You must first be the owner of the trademark or trade name from which the domain name is derived.

Contact the OMPA (Trademark and Patent Office of Andorra) ( to acquire ownership of a trademark.

The owner of a trademark automatically becomes the owner of the corresponding .ad domain name.

During the trademark ownership period assigned by OMPA, the use of the corresponding .ad domain is reserved exclusively by the trademark owner.

In order to use the domain, the domain owner must prove ownership through the OMPA File Number indicated in the private OMPA Resolution document.

We do not currently provide WHOIS services.

The official place to find the owner of a .ad domain is: If you do not get any results you can contact OMPA (

Technical information for the .ad domain can be found here: Fill out the search form with Name server = and Query Type = Name Server (NS).

If in doubt, contact us at:

You can find further information at:

To search by administrative contract or billing, go to:

To find a technical contact, write to us at:

Yes, to do so, contact Technical form.

Yes, to do so, contact

No, we do not provide a list of pending, deleted and expired domains.

Your DNS servers can be located in or outside Andorra. It is advisable to use two DNS servers at most.

No, we do not accept IDN records.

No, we do not accept registration templates.

No. There is no application programming interface (API) to automatically manage domains.

The minimum length of the domain name is three characters.

We do not manage or offer the DNSSEC service. If you are interested in this service, you can contact an Andorra Telecom sales manager to request a study.

Any service (web, mail or other) derived from an .ad domain must be reported on DNS servers. In order to use the domain name, for example, in a web service, it is necessary to create records that make the relationship between the name of the web page and the IP address of the web server. These records are configured on domain name servers also called DNS servers. We do not offer this DNS Hosting service also called DNS Hosting. You will need to hire DNS Hosting, complete the technical form with the names of the DNS servers and send us the form. We recommend that you seek the support of a computer company to manage DNS Hosting.

No. We do not offer Web Hosting. We advise you to contact a computer company that offers this.

Formulari tècnic

Tipus de sol·licitud

 Alta      Modificació      Baixa

1. Nom de domini (without .ad) *

2. Request for OMPA authorization

The « OMPA resolution number » is a private number only known by the owner of the domain and OMPA. This number has a format type xxxxxx/xx. In Catalan this number is called « Numero d’Expedient » or « Numero de Resolució ».

OMPA resolution number *

Delivery date *

3. Technical Contact Information

Name *

Organization Name *

Address *

Zip code *

Complement of address

State *

Country *

Phone Number *

Fax Number

E-mail *

4. Primary Server

Primary Server Hostname *

IPv4 Address

IPv6 Address

5. Secondary Server

Secondary Server Hostname

IPv4 Address

IPv6 Address

6. Tertiary Server

Tertiary Server Hostname

IPv4 Address

IPv6 Address

7. Quaternary Server

Quaternary Server Hostname

IPv4 Address

IPv6 Address

8. E-mail to which the response to the form is sent *

Network Information Center for the Country Code Top Level Domain .ad
(NIC Admin for the ccTLD .ad)

Andorra Telecom, C/ Mn. Lluís Pujol, 8-14. Santa Coloma, Principat d’Andorra
Tel.: (+376) 875 000 - Fax: (+376) 863 667 - Correu:

Contacta amb nosaltres

C/ Prat de la Creu nº 2
AD500 Andorra la Vella
De 9h a 19h (de dilluns a divendres)
De 9h a 14h (dissabtes)
Servei d’atenció al client
Truca’ns al 115,
o al (+376) 301 115 si ets a l’estranger.
De 8h a 23h (de dilluns a diumenge).
En cas de pèrdua o robatori d’un terminal mòbil, l’horari és de 24 hores tots els dies de la setmana.
Despatx seu social
875 000
De 8h a 18h (de dilluns a dijous).
De 8h a 15h (divendres).
Informació telefònica
nacional i internacional

Preu de la trucada 2 € d'establiment i 0,26 € per minut.
De 8h a 24h (de dilluns a diumenge).