Andorra Telecom

Andorra Telecom tenders the demolition of the Avinguda Meritxell building
Monday 25 de September de 2017

Andorra Telecom tenders the demolition of the Avinguda Meritxell building

The work shall be carried out in accordance with the LEED Gold environmental certification so as to reduce the impact of noise, dust and vibrations, thus minimising their effect on transit and passers-by

The Andorra Telecom Board of Directors has approved the tender for the demolition of the office building located at 112 Avinguda Meritxell, the former site of the company's sales agency. These works form part of The Cloud, a building project located at the current site, the junction of Avinguda Meritxell and Carrers Bonaventura Riberaygua and La Borda.

The sales offices were moved last year to Carrer Prat de la Creu, which adjoins Plaça de la Rotonda, to allow for work on the building interior. The demolition work is a key facet of this public tender that affects the structure.

The tender will be published in the Official Gazette of the Principality of Andorra this Wednesday. Interested companies will have until 12 October to present their bids, with the work expected to begin at the end of October and conclude in December.

The demolition process will be carried out under the strict criteria laid out in the LEED Gold certification, which minimises the impact on both the environment and the surrounding area, and includes the works themselves and the future use of The Cloud building. In this regard, directives related to reducing dust, vibrations and noise to a maximum will be strictly followed, as will those requiring the work to have a minimal effect on transit and passers-by, in the same manner that successfully took place during the demolition of the fire station.

Once demolition is completed, the site will only be occupied by the services building, located in the centre. This building, which houses highly sensitive technical equipment, will remain intact and form part of the structure of the future building.

The project team is currently at work on the technical requirements for phase 3, the construction of The Cloud building itself.

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