Andorra Telecom

Tuesday 28 de November de 2017

Andorra Telecom receives three international quality certifications

Endorsement of the integrated management system adopted by the telecommunications operator. The ISO 9001 quality certification has been supplemented by those specific to Environment and Health and Safety at Work

Andorra Telecom's desire to work towards improving customer experience and process efficiency has been recognised with the award of three international certifications, endorsing the policies put in place by the telecommunications operator for the implementation of an integrated management system in 2016.

The first of these ISO 9001 certifications is a benchmark in terms of quality, which not only guarantees internal processes and customer satisfaction, but also provides tools for continuous improvement.

The CEO, Jordi Nadal, considers that this certification brings many advantages to the company. "It recognises the organisation’s efficiency in our relations with both customers and suppliers. At the same time it obliges us to be constantly vigilant and to implement solutions in areas requiring improvement, which continuous assessment allows us to detect".

Strict quality monitoring criteria grants us the essential seal for undertaking processes of diversification and internationalisation in our business activities. He noted, "The important companies give priority to those companies with certifications when contracting suppliers or choosing partners, certifications which guarantee competitiveness and positioning in the market".

The commitment of Andorra Telecom is not limited to processes and customer relations, but also takes into account other internal aspects, such as the health and safety of its own and external employees, as well as respect for the surroundings and the environment during its activities.

The ISO 14001 standard is the only one which certifies environmental protection policies. To achieve it, Andorra Telecom, has designed an environmental management plan which includes objectives, landmarks and the procedures to achieve them, as well as details of responsibilities and staff training, amongst other measures.

Among the advantages derived from the implementation of sustainable policies is the reduction in consumption of electrical energy, fuel, water and raw materials and the application of reduction plans to minimise or eliminate the impact of emissions, spills or waste.

With regard to the safety of company workers and external workers from collaborating companies, compliance with the OHSAS 18001 standard certifies Andorra Telecom’s policy of reducing work-related accidents or illnesses to a minimum.

These certifications are added to that obtained last year in relation to directives on security and information protection. Andorra Telecom received Information Security Management Certification from AENOR, based on the ISO 27001 standard.

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