Andorra Telecom

Andorra Telecom signs an agreement with a major Spanish Blockchain consortium
Thursday 01 de August de 2019

Andorra Telecom signs an agreement with a major Spanish Blockchain consortium

Alastria, which groups together companies and start-ups from the neighbouring country, is offering its network and collaboration with the NIU in entrepreneurship and use case programmes
The promotion and development of blockchain technology is the backbone of this agreement, signed on Thursday by Andorra Telecom and Alastria, a non-profit association which groups together the leading Spanish companies.

The agreement was signed by the General Manager of the operator, Jordi Nadal, and by the General Manager of the Red Alastria consortium, Montserrat Guardia, at the headquarters of Andorra Telecom. Alastria was founded in mid-2017 with the launch in Spain of the world’s first regulated national network based on a blockchain aimed at promoting the digital economy by means of this technology. The consortium is made up of more than 800 members of large and medium-sized companies, start-ups and public sector organisations and associations.

The agreement between the two parties will allow Andorra Telecom to use Alastria’s blockchain network with its own node, and opens up the way to new opportunities for collaboration between the two parties, which will be implemented via the NIU company incubator/accelerator.

The agreement will allow the incubator to participate in Alastria Link2Chain’s entrepreneurship programme, aimed at start-ups that use blockchain technology for their projects, and the development of combined use cases. The two organisations have also pledged their commitment to the dissemination and public promotion of blockchain and its advantages.

Jordi Nadal has stressed the opportunities offered to Andorra Telecom by the alliance with this consortium. The General Manager pointed out that three months ago an agreement was signed with ProteumX which offers excellent support to entrepreneurs in Andorra from a business perspective, while “the agreement with Alastria allows us to strengthen the technological base”. Nadal considers the multi-sector and multi-technological nature of the platform “especially interesting”: “It allows developments with different technologies, all of them leading ones”.

For her part, Montse Guardia highlighted the transnational character of the project being promoted by Alastria. “We are focusing on the entrepreneurial fabric so that, from the peninsula, we can promote it towards Europe, encouraging the creation of new economic models which are projected transversally, beyond local ecosystems”. The Director of the consortium highlighted the interest in collaborating on future projects in a “thousand-year-old” country like Andorra.

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