Andorra Telecom

The Misterloop and Onestar teams win the finals of the Andorra Telecom WRO
Wednesday 14 de June de 2017

The Misterloop and Onestar teams win the finals of the Andorra Telecom WRO

Jordi Nadal stresses that robotics competitions not only encourage innovation and technology among students, but also associated values such as creativity, teamwork and the culture of endeavour.

A total of seven teams took part in the robotics competition, devoted this year to sustainable tourism. The winners in the Elementary category, for children between 7 and 12 years of age, were the Misterloop team. They responded to the organisation's challenge proposal, which consisted of constructing a robot moving over a board which simulates the nature of Costa Rica and suggests routes with a low environmental impact.

In the Junior category, victory went to the Onestar team which, as required by the tournament rules, constructed a robot whose mission was to reduce the carbon imprint of a company to zero, promoting alternative energies and the planting of trees.

The WRO organisation forms part of Andorra Telecom’s commitment to activities related to the fostering of robotics among young people.

The event was attended by Jordi Nadal, director general of the company, who praised the opportunities provided by competitions like the WRO and the First Lego League, not only for encouraging pupils to resolve problems by means of a technological solution, but also the promotion of associated values such as creativity, innovation, teamwork and the culture of endeavour.

Nadal explained that it is particularly satisfying to see that the children are able to program complex operations and resolve problems in the field with the tools provided by the organisation.

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