Andorra Telecom

Andorra Telecom takes on 19 interns over the summer
Monday 03 de July de 2017

Andorra Telecom takes on 19 interns over the summer

They will provide support for the company’s technical, customer relations and marketing departments

A total of 19 interns conducting their university studies or vocational training will provide support for Andorra Telecom in July and August.  The students will be integrated into different departments of the organisation, representing, in many cases, their initial contact with the labour world.

The interns will work in different areas, performing chiefly technical tasks related to customers and marketing, selected in keeping with their academic studies. Andorra Telecom launched the policy of recruiting students over the summer more than twenty years ago.

The company’s Personnel Management department considers that this practice entails many benefits. For the interns themselves, it is an opportunity to complement their studies with experience of a practical nature and to understand the functioning of a company which may become their professional destination in the near future.

Similarly, for Andorra Telecom it provides reinforcements during the summer months and an opportunity to detect new talent with a view to future recruitment. In this sense, we should mention that the current workforce includes numerous people who were previously involved in work placements, either as interns or for the completion of end-of-degree projects

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