Andorra Telecom

Linguistic Policy invites people
Friday 28 de September de 2018

Linguistic Policy invites people "not to keep their Catalan to themselves"

Catalan speakers are invited to become involved in this hosting and socialisation project.
The new Linguistic Policy Service campaign invites Catalan speakers and learners of the language “not to keep their Catalan to themselves”. Olga Gelabert, the Minister of Culture, Youth and Sports, and Carles Casadevall, the spokesman of Andorra Telecom, presented the new campaign to promote the Language Volunteer project. This is the 14th edition of the Language Volunteer project and, once again, it is aimed at attracting volunteers and learners.

With the slogan “No te’l guardis” (Don’t keep it to yourself), the purpose is to raise awareness of the importance of learning and using Catalan among non-Catalan speakers. At the same time, Catalan speakers are invited to become involved in this hosting and socialisation project. Therefore, in order to popularise the campaign, 8 illuminated billboards have been produced and will be set up in commercial areas, while 5,000 brochures will be distributed at cultural and sports centres, libraries and administrative buildings, together with 400 posters.

In addition, Andorra Telecom has once again joined the campaign and will display these creations on its screens at the sales office. The Minister of Culture announced that this year the Language Volunteer project will have a special partnership with the Castellers of Andorra, enabling the participants in the project to join the “human tower” association.

The association uses Catalan as its working language and also offers a social fabric to facilitate adaptation to the country. The Language Volunteer project was created 13 years ago, and more than 1,500 people have taken part since then. The initial idea was to bring together Catalan speakers and non-Catalan speakers to practice the spoken language, sharing a few hours of conversation each week.

However, over the years, the project has been enhanced by offering guided tours of museums and exhibitions, free tickets to see premières of films in Catalan, discounts for the Cineclub and other entertainment options in Catalan. The project currently has 58 active partners and the intention is to increase participation with the new campaign.

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