Andorra Telecom

Andorra Telecom will give away the data used by mobiles on Friday
Thursday 16 de May de 2019

Andorra Telecom will give away the data used by mobiles on Friday

The company will not charge for the data consumed in Andorra by users with contracts to celebrate International Internet Day
Andorra Telecom is offering its mobile phone users with contracts (from the xxs to the xxl rate) free data use within Andorra this Friday to celebrate International Internet Day. The company spokesperson, Carles Cadadevall, said that “whoever does not have data included in their mobile phone plan can use the Internet without paying for the data they use, and the data consumed by those who do have data plans will not count towards their totals.”

The use of data by contract mobile phones has grown exponentially over the last year. As regards domestic data, the amount used has risen by an average of 77%. In the case of roaming, the data consumption by Andorrans outside Andorra has risen by an average of 269%.

This growth has been attributed to the fact that the amount of data included in the mobile rates was raised last year. On top of this, the data could be used in Andorra or in roaming in Spain, France or Portugal. Half of the GB included in the plans could be consumed while the user was in these three countries.

Carles Casadevall stressed that the company has given priority to user connectivity both in Andorra and abroad. In this sense, he mentioned that negotiations with foreign operators “have enabled us to offer better rates and to pass them on to our customers with products that are adapted to their needs”.

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