Andorra Telecom

Three teams are to represent Andorra in the Spanish WRO final
Friday 26 de June de 2020

Three teams are to represent Andorra in the Spanish WRO final

The competition was held this week in a rather different format due to COVID-19

The Andorra World Robot Olympiad (WRO) was held this Tuesday and Thursday in a format adapted in order to prevent COVID-19 infections. With all participants protected by face masks and with no audience, the teams worked hard to overcome the challenges presented by the organisation, this year these focused on the extreme weather conditions resulting from climate change.
The winning teams in the tests were Robots de Loopa (Stars category), Com tu (Elementary category) and Mafin Time (Junior category). All three will represent Andorra at the Spanish WRO final due to be held next November in Tarragona. The WRO Association has suspended the international final due to the coronavirus pandemic.

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