Andorra Telecom

Andorra Telecom renews its trust in BC MoraBanc Andorra
Tuesday 21 de November de 2017

Andorra Telecom renews its trust in BC MoraBanc Andorra

The telecommunications operators strengthens its presence in the Poliesportiu d’Andorra in Endesa League and Eurocup matches

Once again this year, Andorra Telecom continues to invest in high-level basketball. For the fourth consecutive season, since the return of the club to the Endesa League, the operator has given its support to the team, becoming one of its main sponsors.

The General Director of Andorra Telecom, Jordi Nadal, referred to “the fruitful collaboration between the two parts, and the important milestone for the image of the country that is the participation of the club and its sponsors in a European competition.” He emphasized the “the great results from last season with the classification for the Copa del Rei and the League play-offs, which won us a place in the Eurocup.”

The telecommunications operator strengthened its presence in the Poliesportiu d’Andorra, where Morabanc plays its home games. The main grandstand is now called the Tribuna Andorra Telecom, and bears the company logo and colours. The magenta colour used by Andorra Telecom is also present on the player’s benches and players' training equipment.

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