Andorra Telecom

A seminar to analyse the possibilities and threats of quantum computing
Tuesday 28 de November de 2017

A seminar to analyse the possibilities and threats of quantum computing

This event, organised jointly by Andorra Telecom and ISACA, brought together sixty delegates with an interest in this revolutionary technology

Andorra Telecom, in collaboration with the Information Systems for Auditing and Control Association (ISACA), organised a seminar on quantum computing on Monday at midday. Quantum physics allows access to the control of individual atoms which, when applied to computation, permits a "computing power that we had never even suspected," said José Ignacio Latorre, Professor of Quantum Physics at the University of Barcelona. At the same time, however, this revolution could break down communications and the current way of computing, possibly leading to "a breakdown in cryptography" and, therefore, an attack on Internet security and the citizens who carry out operations there.

The current clusters in the country in health and wellness, sports, education and Actinn (born of private initiative), may be joined by the quantum technology cluster. This was announced on Monday noon by Alfonso Rubio, CEO of Entanglement Partners, a company specialising in the sector. The cluster, in its initial phase, has been named Andorra Quantum Valley, and it aims to bring together quantum technology companies with the banking sector. Rubio outlined the project to sixty people, delegates at the seminar on quantum computation and cyber security organised by Andorra Telecom, in collaboration with the Information Systems for Auditing and Control Association ( ISACA).

Quantum mechanics is a theory that describes nature in its minutest detail, as was explained José Ignacio Latorre, Professor at the University of Barcelona, . This implies that mankind has the control of individual atoms within its reach. Technology, and more specifically computing, "will have a computing power that we had never even suspected," said Latorre. "A great revolution" that, in 2018 will have more specific applications through what is known as "quantum supremacy", that is to say, through the introduction of a computer that will undertake tasks that the largest supercomputer on Earth is unable to carry out".

But the news is not all good. One of the most significant applications of this type of physics is its "highly aggressive" nature, which could result in the breakdown of current cryptography, based on factoring, the Professor warned. Moving on to the effects on citizens, it may affect the security of all transactions made on the Internet, such as financial transactions or uploading photos to the Cloud.

In fact, Rubio went even further, stating that the world "is at cyber war". When a quantum computer is capable of breaking current algorithms, all information, past and present, will be vulnerable. For this reason, this sector needs further study for the future of business, which is why we wish to promote the cluster in Andorra.

With regard to the dangers of quantum computation, Cesar Marquina, Head of Security and Control at Andorra Telecom, assured the delegates that at the moment the company is not working at a practical level, but is studying possible future "impacts" on the market, "from the point of view of telecommunications and information privacy".

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