Andorra Telecom

Tuesday 27 de March de 2018

Andorra Telecom seeks tenders for the construction of The Cloud

The Board of Directors gives the green light to the national “turnkey” competition. Construction companies will have a period of twelve weeks to submit their bids

On Tuesday, Andorra Telecom’s Board of Directors approved the call for tenders for phase three of the construction project for The Cloud building. This is a national bidding process restricted to construction companies from the country who may submit individual tenders or compete as an Unió Temporal d’Empreses - UTE (Temporary Joint Venture).

Phase three entails the construction of the foundations, the structure and the technical facilities of The Cloud. Similarly, it includes the construction of the public square and surrounding area. This part of the work will be funded by the Andorra la Vella Commune, in accordance with the agreement between the two parties.

The bids will be submitted as a turnkey project, whereby the work will be completed at a closed price. The construction companies will have twelve weeks to submit their tenders and the winner will be announced in July.

The first two phases of the project consisted of the demolition of the former fire station and Andorra Telecom’s administrative building. Phase four, which envisages the interior finishings, will begin during phase three so that the two can be simultaneously completed by December 2020.

The company awarded the work will have to abide by the international LEED Gold certification, which stipulates that all the phases of the project, from the construction to the management, must fulfil strict criteria to guarantee sustainability and a minimal impact on the surrounding area and residents.

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