Andorra Telecom

The NIU’s investment day raises 415,000 euros for entrepreneurial projects
Monday 16 de April de 2018

The NIU’s investment day raises 415,000 euros for entrepreneurial projects

Four of the startups, three of them from the NIU, Andorra Telecom’s incubator and business accelerator, receive financing as a result of the Demo Day held in November last year

The NIU’s investment day was held on 20 November. Newly-created technological companies made presentations to a forum made up of fifty finance professional specialists from banking institutions, family offices, venture capital funds and business angels.

The investors displayed their interest in the projects submitted in recent months. For four of them in particular, three from the NIU and one external project, this has led to investments worth 415,000 euros, a capital injection representing a major boost.

The talks between the investors and entrepreneurs remain open, which could mean that another operation may be agreed upon in the next few weeks, according to Miquel Gouarré, head of the NIU.

The financing rounds constitute one of the pillars of the NIU in achieving economic support for the "incubated" projects. However, Andorra Telecom’s directors have expanded the scope of the Demo Day to allow other startups to introduce themselves to the investors.

Gouarré expressed his satisfaction with the results achieved, as “they prove that this is an attractive format for investors and, at the same time, it highlights the quality of the NIU’s projects, as three of the incubator’s five initiatives have received funding”.

The NIU plans to hold a new round of financing with the same format in the coming months, both for companies hosted in the incubator and external projects.

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