Andorra Telecom

Visitors to Andorra can now activate an eSIM card with national mobile rates.
Wednesday 07 de July de 2021

Visitors to Andorra can now activate an eSIM card with national mobile rates.

The new service will allow tourists and visitors to download a prepaid eSIM card onto their mobile phones with Andorra Telecom’s rates.
Andorra Telecom has enabled the eSIM card for visitors to Andorra. Thus, everyone who visits the Principality with a mobile phone compatible with this format will be able to download an eSIM card, equivalent to a physical SIM card but in a digital format.

In this regard, these users will be able to communicate at the same rates as customers of Andorra Telecom’s prepaid mobile telephony, saving on roaming charges in Andorra.

In order to download the eSIM card, customers must previously sign up on the Andorran company’s website and make sure that their mobile phone is compatible with this technology. The first models compatible with the eSIM card appeared about 3 years ago.

Once registered, customers must choose between the two available rates (€9.00 or €19.00) with which they can make and receive calls, send SMS and connect to 4G under the same conditions as regular Andorra Telecom customers.

Carles Casadevall, spokesman for Andorra Telecom, stated that “we’re delighted to be able to offer this service to all visitors to the country, facilitating their internet connections and, therefore, their interaction with social media in order to share their stays. In this respect, visitors will have everything the country has to offer at their fingertips and they’ll be able to stay connected throughout their visit.”

To publicise this new service, Andorra Telecom will soon launch an online advertising campaign aimed at future visitors to the country to enable them to complete the registration and download process for the eSIM card before arriving in Andorra.

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