Andorra Telecom

ESPIC becomes an inclusive corporation
Thursday 20 de July de 2017

ESPIC becomes an inclusive corporation

It will incorporate a disabled employee to perform customer service and technical support tasks

ESPIC, the customer service centre which provides its services to Andorran and international companies, has become a member of the Inclusive Company Network. Xavier Espot, Minister of Social Affairs, Justice and the Interior, and Joan Foix, the company’s Director, signed the partnership agreement on Thursday at a ceremony held at the Government’s offices.

The Inclusive Company Network seeks to promote the access of people with disabilities to the labour market, within the framework of the 2016-2019 ministerial strategy. This strategy strives to enable members of the collective to gain access to and remain within the labour market, as a result of the involvement of the business world and the cooperation between the authorities and economic and social agents.

ESPIC is a company driven by Andorra Telecom and the Spanish MST company, within the diversification strategy of the telecommunications operator. Under the partnership agreement, Espic, which employs about sixty workers, will incorporate a disabled person to perform customer service and technological support tasks.

Andorra Telecom became the first company to join the Inclusive Company Networkin April, with the incorporation of two employees into the commercial agency.

In addition to ESPIC, Grupo Société Inuit, SAU joined the network on Thursday.

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