Andorra Telecom

Construction begins on the prototype façade for The Cloud building
Wednesday 22 de November de 2017

Construction begins on the prototype façade for The Cloud building

This is a full-sized reproduction that allows bidders to check the characteristics and elements included in person

A lot in Santa Coloma, across from the fire station, will house the prototype façade of The Cloud building, an important tool for developing the construction project. Installation work began this week, and will last until the end of the month.

The prototype, a little over eleven metres tall, will reproduce part of the façade in actual size, and will allow construction companies in the bidding process to get an idea of the characteristics and scope of construction. It will also be a very useful tool for consultation and evaluation for the contracted company when construction begins, especially in the assembly of the façade.

The façade is one of the most unique aspects of the future The Cloud building. The façade design strives to blend in with the surroundings and reduce energy consumption to a minimum. The double skin is a key element in the building's acclimatization, providing better air circulation and a new concept in ventilation. The glass façade and structure will provide all its spaces with natural light.

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