Andorra Telecom

Andorra Telecom completes the renovation work at its Avinguda  Meritxell site
Friday 21 de December de 2018

Andorra Telecom completes the renovation work at its Avinguda Meritxell site

A sign with the word “Andorra” in large letters, a pool of water and a small bridge are the main features
Andorra Telecom has completed the renovation work at the site located in Avinguda Meritxell and Carrer de la Borda, Carrer Sant Salvador and Carrer Bonaventura Riberaygua, where The Cloud building was supposed to be built. The Minister of Regional Planning and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Andorra Telecom, Jordi Torres, visited the site last Friday with Conxita Marsol, the Mayor of Andorra la Vella, and representatives of the Riberaygua i Travesseres Association. Also in attendance were other members of the Board of Directors, such as Jordi Cinca, the Finance Minister, and Jordi Nadal, CEO of Andorra Telecom.

The part of the plot bordering Carrer Sant Salvador, which once contained the old Fire Station, has been redesigned, with the installation of different spaces and walkways to connect the levels. The existing ramps and stairways make access by pedestrians easy. The completion of the work meant that this space was able to host an ice slide last month, one of the attractions of the Christmas Market organised by the Andorra la Vella municipality.

The opposite part of the plot, which is bounded by Avinguda Meritxell, and housed the former Andorra Telecom administrative building, has been more extensively redesigned. The problem of the different levels has been addressed with a series of ramps and tiered seating on the façade in Carrer Bonaventura Riberaygua. The aim was to make the connections between the different streets as easy as possible.

At the centre of the building, there is a shallow pool of water and a bridge connecting the streets Carrer de la Borda, Carrer Bonaventura and Carrer Riberaygua. Large 3-D letters, proclaiming the word “Andorra”, are the most prominent feature. These same letters will be the central theme of the mural on the façade of the Services Building.

It should be remembered that the central part of the site is occupied by the Andorra Telecom Services Building, the nerve centre of the Andorra la Vella and Escaldes-Engordany optical fibre network.

The architect, Víctor Blasi, headed this project, which will have a final cost of €245,000. The work, which is of a provisional nature until the new Government decides on the use it wishes to make of the site, was completed this week.

The work undertaken for Andorra Telecom only affects the central building. The Andorra la Vella Town Council has worked in parallel on the installation and redesign project in all the areas of the site, which include the streets Carrer Bonaventura Riberaygua, Carrer Sant Salvador, Carrer de La Borda and Carrer Prat Primer.

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