Andorra Telecom

A record number of mobile phones connected on December 30th at 4 p.m.
Tuesday 07 de January de 2020

A record number of mobile phones connected on December 30th at 4 p.m.

A total of 126,690 devices were connected to the Andorra Telecom network, 53% of which were roamers
The significant influx of tourists this Christmas was reflected in the high number of mobile phones connected to the Andorra Telecom network.

Between December 27th and January 6th, the average was 114,002 phones simultaneously connected, of which 58,215 were local customers and 55,787 roamers, i.e. visitors roaming in Andorra.

The highest number of connections was on December 30th at four o'clock in the afternoon when a total of 126,690 devices were connected. Of these, 67,496 were foreign mobiles (53.3%), and 59,194 were Andorran. This is an all-time record, beating the figure of 122,000 connected over Christmas 2018.

This wasn’t the only day when the number of roamers was higher. December 28th, 29th and 30th also saw a higher than average number of foreign (not local) local mobile phone connections.

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