Andorra Telecom

Free, open Wi-Fi for the whole of the Ordino town centre
Friday 19 de June de 2020

Free, open Wi-Fi for the whole of the Ordino town centre

The municipality is contracting Andorra Telecom to install a wireless network to provide services to both citizens and tourists

This Friday, the municipality of Ordino symbolically launched the Ordino Wi-Fi service in the town centre of Ordino. The proceedings took place at the council chamber and were attended by the Councillor for Communication, Information Systems and GdH, Xavier Herver, and Andorra Telecom’s Business Manager, David Baró.

This is an open network with access available in Ordino only. the that it will cover includes the old town, the Plaça Prat de Call and all public buildings: the municipal administration, Casa Comuna Vella and the Casa de la Muntanya, all three located on Carrer Major; the La Font (Casa Pairal and Punt Jove); L’Estudi (La Capsa, library and play school), and the CEO buildings. Users will also have coverage at the town’s bus stops. The high-speed connection, up to 300Mb per second, will allow the connection of 500 devices simultaneously, thanks to the installation of 21 access points.

Baró has hailed the initiative as a pioneering one in that it’s an example of a public administration providing services for its citizens. "It’s a project that we’ve implemented for other clients and companies, but it’s never before been done by a municipality," said the official, who doesn’t rule out implementing it in other parishes. Councillor Herver, who led the project, explained that the aim is to provide more services to citizens and tourists so that they can interact and share experiences.

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