Andorra Telecom

Andorra Telecom adds the LollyKids channel to all its television packages
Friday 18 de December de 2020

Andorra Telecom adds the LollyKids channel to all its television packages

LollyKids, which can be watched at no extra charge, is one of the foremost children’s music channels.

Andorra Telecom has added the LollyKids channel to all the TV packages it offers, including the TV Mini package.

This channel, a pioneer in the world of children's and young people's entertainment, is a music and dance stage where children can send in videos in the hope of appearing on television. To do this, it’s as easy as recording a video of their performance, uploading it to YouTube, and sharing it through the LollyKids website. After that, the channel makes a selection and broadcasts the highlights.

The LollyKids channel, which is broadcast simultaneously in several countries and therefore has a mix of different languages, features thousands of performances from around the world and is constantly adding more, which means the programming is always different, part of the channel's commitment to original entertainment.

Carles Casadevall, spokesman for Andorra Telecom, comments on the company's satisfaction with adding a channel with these features: “We are very satisfied to be able to offer this channel, at no additional charge, to all our fibre-optic television customers. We often receive requests to expand our line-up of children's and youth channels and we feel that being able to offer a channel with such original, entertaining and even educational content in music, provides us with a better range of programming and give the children and young people of this country a window onto their creativity”.

LollyKids is now available on channel 50 and customers still unable to see it will have to restart the decoder by unplugging it for a few seconds.

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