Andorra Telecom

Five entities present projects to join Andorra Telecom's Social SMS
Tuesday 03 de October de 2017

Five entities present projects to join Andorra Telecom's Social SMS

During the month of October, the proposals presented will be evaluated and, at the end of the month, the short numbers for the accepted projects will be allocated.
A total of five non-profit entities have presented projects to join the Social SMS project, which was launched by the company on 24 July and which is aimed at collaborate with fundraising for solidarity projects.

On 29 September, the deadline closed for the reception of proposals for Social SMS, an initiative that will allow awarding entities to make full use of a technological tool to finance social projects in the country.

Throughout October, the company's CSR committee will study the suitability of the projects presented, according to the criteria specified on the application form, which are: relevance and impact, viability, efficiency and effectiveness of the projects at a later stage. In October, Andorra Telecom will allocate the three-digit numbers which the company has activated for this social project.

Martí, who emphasised that the amounts raised by all the SMS messages sent to the number in question will be fully assigned to the beneficiary entities, without any associated costs, was pleased with the number of projects received, "given that this is the first call and there are probably still entities that don't know about Andorra Telecom's Social SMS project"..

The results will be made public on the website at the end of October.

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