Andorra Telecom

Andorra Telecom will train inmates from the penitentiary centre
Thursday 07 de June de 2018

Andorra Telecom will train inmates from the penitentiary centre

The operator and the Ministry of Social Affairs, Justice and Interior extend the partnership agreement
Andorra Telecom will provide training for inmates from the penitentiary centre to enhance their future labour and social integration. The above initiative was formalised this morning through the signing of an addendum to the partnership agreement by Xavier Espot, Minister of Social Affairs, Justice and Interior, and Jordi Nadal, CEO of the telecommunications operator.

This is an addition to the list of actions launched last year, including providing phone cards for the inmates and offering them paid professional work, which have also been expanded by means of new addenda to the agreement. The framework agreement was signed in June 2017 with the aim of conducting several specific initiatives in the areas of communications, social insertion and training for the population deprived of freedom.

Until now, this cooperation has been put into action by Andorra Telecom distributing phonecards to the Department of Penitentiary Institutions for inmates without family or economic support.

A total of 45 cards were provided in 2017 and the donation has increased to 75 this year, corresponding to 10% of the total number of donations made until now by the social worker of the Penitentiary Centre. This rise is due to the increase in donations of cards to people deprived of freedom in early 2018.

In addition, with regard to social insertion, Andorra Telecom pledges to offer work compatible with being deprived of freedom, tasks which are remunerated by the company. 17 people performed paid jobs in 2017, consisting of the packaging of 5,000 devices. With the signing of a new addendum to the agreement, the tasks are expected to continue; and Andorra Telecom will commission further work, consisting of preparing the Christmas decorations for the company’s commercial agency display.

Finally, as a new feature, the signing of the agreement this Thursday entails the incorporation of a new addendum regarding training. Thus, the parapublic company undertakes to offer occupational training to promote the social and labour integration of the inmates when they leave the Penitentiary Centre.
This training will be given by Andorra Telecom personnel and managed by the social worker of the Ministry of Justice and Interior, together with the management of the Department of Penitentiary Institutions. The first scheduled training sessions will take place on 20 and 27 September 2018, focusing on telephone assistance.

The objectives of this initiative are to enhance the personal telephone assistance skills required for customer service, to acquire communication tools for good personal and telephone assistance, to learn to deal with difficult situations such as critical attitudes and complaints, to understand verbal communication and listening skills, to develop more empathy and self-assertiveness and to learn new ways of communicating and interacting with others.

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