Andorra Telecom

Thursday 30 de January de 2020

The Andorra Telecom Micro First Lego League will be held at Sant Ermengol School

The panel of judges rewards the science project of the Andorran School in Encamp and the values project of the Andorran School in Santa Coloma
The sixth Micro First Lego League Andorra Telecom robotics competition was held this Wednesday at the Andorra la Vella Congress Centre with one hundred students from six secondary schools taking part.

The winning team in the robotics category was Sermelegos, from Sant Ermengol school, who achieved the best results in a challenge focused on sustainable, accessible and innovative construction in large cities.

The competition included two more categories. The panel of judges thought that the Pinefrik team, from the Andorran School in Encamp presented the best science project, and in the values category the winning teams were Santa&Co, Win from the Andorran School in Santa Coloma.

The Minister of Education and Higher Education, Ester Vilarrubla, was in charge of opening the competition. Vilarrubla highlighted the challenge that the concentration of population in cities represents for humanity, ‘a situation that we’re not unfamiliar with here in Andorra’. Technology, she said, should help to make cities ‘more human’; and guarantee ‘better decision making’ and ‘open and transparent governance’

The minister congratulated the organisers, students, teachers and parents for making a competition that ‘allows us to work on interdisciplinary projects that prepare us for the wider world’ possible.

Andorra Telecom's spokesman, Carlos Casadevall, highlighted the virtues of the competition, which is international in scope and which awakens children's interest in scientific disciplines in general and robotics in particular. ‘The notion of values carries a fundamental weight in the design of the competition. Starting with the same challenges proposed, focusing on sustainability, teamwork and the presentation of a specific value-based project’.

Casadevall elaborated on the great career opportunities generated by robotics, and referred to the way in which the automation of many manual processes is changing the way companies work.

Andorra Telecom’s Francisco, Andreu Isal, Pablo Feliu and Carolina Castellanos, were the judges for the competition. The students' science projects were assessed by engineer Jordi Llovera and architect Beti Faura, two professionals with a career focused on sustainability. The Secretary of State for Equality and Citizen Participation, Marc Pons, and rally driver Albert Llovera were in charge of assessing the values project.

Andorra Telecom supports the promotion of robotics and innovation among children and adolescents in the country by means of the Micro First Lego League competitions, which bring together teams from different schools, and the WRO, which brings robotics clubs together.

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