Andorra Telecom

Free numbers given to NGOs and community organisations raised 9,622 euro
Tuesday 25 de February de 2020

Free numbers given to NGOs and community organisations raised 9,622 euro

This is the total raised by Caritas, Laika, Infants del Món, Cooperand, the Special Olympics, Bomosa and Amida.
This Tuesday Andorra Telecom took stock of the money collected in 2019 by the nine social entities that have free numbers or texts assigned to them. The head of CSR, Inés Martín, released the data alongside the director of Unicef Andorra, Marta Alberch, and the vice-president of Càritas Andorrana, Canòlich Baró. The beneficiaries will use the proceeds to finance their projects.

SMS 606, and telephone number 120 belong to Unicef Andorra. The 3,271 raised from calls to 120 will go to the programme to improve training for children with disabilities in Bhutan - a project that ensures the development of inclusive schools and supports accessibility adaptations in the centres. The work will make it possible to build up a database of children with disabilities which will help with school planning.

Càritas Andorra also has a free number. 121 allows children to contact Father Christmas or the Three Kings directly over the Christmas period. Caritas raised a total of 2,125 euros in this way for a programme aimed at children in Andorra with varying support needs. For some years now the organisation has been allocating the money collected via the 121 number to cover needs such as the purchase of school supplies, to pay for refresher classes, etc. for children in our country.

The last of these numbers is 141, and is run by the Andorra NGOs Platform. The 1,780 euros collected went towards the campaign to support those affected by the passage of tropical cyclone IDAE in Mozambique, Zimbabwe and Malawi a year ago, which caused hundreds of deaths and serious damage to infrastructure and facilities.

Money obtained for the other entities was raised by means of SMS donations. Andorra Telecom makes an annual announcement to concede the use of a three-digit number. All of the money collected via that number will be used for a specific project, with no deductions being made. In 2019, the beneficiaries were AMIDA, Cooperand, LAIKA, Bomosa, the Special Olympics and Infants del Món. In total, these six entities obtained revenues of 2,325 euros between them thanks to texts sent by Andorra Telecom customers.

The money raised by each organisation has been used to organise a workshop on functional diversity; a programme of collaboration between Andorran and Bolivian schoolchildren; a cat shelter; a programme to support low income pet owners; participation in the Special Olympics in Abu Dhabi and a programme to support a children's home in Cambodia.

Inés Martí highlighted Andorra Telecom's willingness to support NGOs by providing mechanisms to enable them to fund their projects. ‘The telephone is a very easy and effective way to contribute to social causes. A simple call or text message at a price of one euro allows the money to be sent directly to the entity in its entirety and with all the necessary guarantees '. Martí explained that in the coming weeks there will be a new call for applications for SMS donation lines that will be open to social entities.

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