Andorra Telecom

Monday 02 de March de 2020

Andorra Telecom’s video gaming tournament comes to an end after being hugely successful

A total of 780 players competed in the twenty multi-platform tournaments during an event that is becoming more and more attractive to families
Andorra Telecom’s video gaming tournament ended last Sunday after three days that gave people the chance to discover what’s new on the market on the different platforms, and the leisure opportunities offered by virtual reality. Inés Martí, the company's events manager, said that the number of attendees was similar to previous years, although this time ’as well as making sure that young children weren’t playing games that are inappropriate for their age, we’ve introduced maximum time limits for certain points during the game’, she said.

Martí highlighted the success of virtual, simulation and mobile zones for gamers, one of the new features this year. She’s extremely pleased to see that an increasing number of families are being drawn to the event. ‘Now there are many parents who don’t just keep their children company, but try out the virtual reality, the remote control car track or the drones for themselves’. She also wanted to highlight the ’great atmosphere at Prat del Roure’.

A total of 780 people registered for the 20 tournaments. The competitions were held on platforms such as PlayStation 4, Xbox one, PC and Nintendo switch, and on mobile phones.

The decision to make all the tournaments face-to-face has also produced very good results. ‘It was doubly successful. Participants socialised and exchanged opinions, and we made sure that all applicable age restrictions were respected game-wise’.

The person in charge also said that at next year's event we will continue with the new features aimed at gamers, and in this sense the PlayStation 5 could be the major sensation, but without forgetting the activities for children and families.


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