Andorra Telecom

The B-resol application, in six schools
Monday 23 de November de 2020

The B-resol application, in six schools

The tool, implemented in the schools with the support of Andorra Telecom, helps prevent and detect school bullying, thus improving harmonious co-existence and well-being among teenagers.

The B-Resol app, for students over the age of 12, is available for students so that children and teens can report any situation or problem they might experience both at and outside school. It also allow young people, whether victims or witnesses, to anonymously report conflicts or harassment, at any time of the day, and choose the interlocutors they want to alert. The download is made after accepting a legal notice explaining the tool and the minor must confirm either that he/she is 14 or older, or has the permission of their parents.

This tool began to be offered to schools in the 2016-2017 academic year, with the aim of bringing to light cases of harassment, cyberbullying, eating disorders and any other type of adolescent conflict. Using innovative mobile technology, the results have been quite positive, enabling the detection of cases of eating disorders, issues of coexistence and undoubtedly preventing avoiding others from occurring.

In addition to the five schools already using the app, namely Encamp Secondary School, EASEnsenyança in Ordino, Sant Ermengol School, Anna Maria Janer School and the Sagrada Família School, this year Santa Coloma School in Andorra, with 420 students and 75 teaching and non-teaching staff, will be using the tool.

Andorra Telecom's collaboration with the Ministry is part of the telecommunications carrier's policy of making young people aware of the possibilities of new technologies and disseminating good practices in Internet use.

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