Andorra Telecom

We sign an agreement with the Department of Education to modernise the Wi-Fi network infrastructure in all schools
Tuesday 19 de January de 2021

We sign an agreement with the Department of Education to modernise the Wi-Fi network infrastructure in all schools

Improvements include increased connection speed, the ability to absorb more devices simultaneously, and a better video conferencing experience.

The Managing Director of Andorra Telecom, Jordi Nadal, and the Minister of Education and Higher Learning, Ester Vilarrubla, signed a collaboration agreement on Tuesday that will provide for the renewal and modernisation of the Wi-Fi network infrastructure of all the country's schools, at all educational levels.

It is a project that is part of the government's determination to make technology one of the key tools in education, following up on a series of investments started years ago in this regard: "In 2012, an important commitment was made within the deployment framework of the Strategic Plan for the Renewal and Improvement of the Andorran Education System (PERMSEA in its Catalan initials), to make the switch from computer rooms to computers in the classroom," Vilarrubla recalled. Thus, the Minister of Education has pointed out how technological needs have changed, especially those that have arisen out of the health situation caused by the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, making it necessary to update and renew these facilities.

Thus, the agreement signed will provide for the renewal of the entire infrastructure of connections to 33 schools and colleges around the country, with funding of an estimated €700,000. In this regard, Jordi Nadal stated that in addition to bearing the cost, "Andorra Telecom will advise the ministry in defining the requirements that will be included in the public tender to award the project". Improvements include "increased connection speed, the ability to absorb more devices simultaneously, and a better video conferencing experience”, among others.

Finally, Vilarrubla pointed out that tenders are expected in the coming weeks and that "upgrades will begin during the first half of 2021, taking advantage of the school holidays to interfere as little as possible in classroom activity".

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