Andorra Telecom

Andorra Telecom raises 3,235 euros for Càritas, the NGO Platform and UNICEF
Wednesday 17 de February de 2021

Andorra Telecom raises 3,235 euros for Càritas, the NGO Platform and UNICEF

This figure is half the money raised in 2019.
The 121 phone number raised a total of €1,035 this Christmas, which will go to Càritas Andorrana. The charitable use of this phone number is the result of the partnership between this entity and Andorra Telecom, which provides it free of charge and promotes it.

Similarly, the 141 short number, which the company assigns to the Andorran NGO Platform, raised the figure of €1,174 in 2020.

Finally, the 120 number, which Andorra Telecom assigns to UNICEF Andorra, raised €1,026 this year.

All three services saw the money raised fall by almost 50% compared to the previous year, when the figure totalled €6,072. The 121 service, which allows children to talk to the Three Wise Men, Santa Claus and El Tió, was created 15 years ago and from the outset Càritas Andorrana was the recipient of 100% of the amount raised. For a number of years the money raised has been used for the Primary Care project, a shelter, guidance and support service that aims to meet the basic needs of people, including food, housing, health, clothing, loneliness and uprooting.

UNICEF will allocate the money raised via the 120 short number to the project in Bhutan to improve access to quality education for children with disabilities. This is a project that was created in 2019 and it has since achieved improvements in the inclusion of these children. As of today, nearly 110 teachers who teach in schools with an SEN programme have received varied training to expand their knowledge and skills to support children with disabilities and promote inclusive education, as is the case of the Wangsel Institute, which now teaches sign language as one of its curricular subjects for deaf children, thus providing access to education to more than 100 children and teenagers.

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C/ Prat de la Creu nº 2
AD500 Andorra la Vella
De 9h a 19h (de dilluns a divendres)
De 9h a 14h (dissabtes)
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Truca’ns al 115,
o al (+376) 301 115 si ets a l’estranger.
De 8h a 23h (de dilluns a diumenge).
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875 000
De 8h a 18h (de dilluns a dijous).
De 8h a 15h (divendres).
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Preu de la trucada 2 € d'establiment i 0,26 € per minut.
De 8h a 24h (de dilluns a diumenge).