Andorra Telecom

Andorra Telecom opens the call for Social SMS for NGOs and social entities
Saturday 27 de February de 2021

Andorra Telecom opens the call for Social SMS for NGOs and social entities

They have until 25 March to apply for one of the free numbers that the company makes available to fund solidarity projects

On 25 February Andorra Telecom launched the fourth call of the Social SMS to finance solidarity projects. The company offers non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and social organisations a three-digit number between 601 and 609. The money raised by means of the Social SMS sent to these numbers will be transferred in full to the beneficiary for it to be assigned to a charitable project with no associated expenses.

Entities wishing to apply to receive one of the Social SMS numbers must be duly registered in the Government’s associations registry. The deadline for submitting projects is 25 March. The entities must focus their activity on groups at risk of social exclusion, defending the fundamental rights of people and animals and actions designed to create a better, fairer and more charitable society.

All the information on the call and the application form can be obtained at:

The company will study, evaluate and award the numbers to the applications received upon the basis of the following criteria: the relevance, impact, feasibility, effectiveness and efficiency of the project submitted.

Contacta amb nosaltres

C/ Prat de la Creu nº 2
AD500 Andorra la Vella
De 9h a 19h (de dilluns a divendres)
De 9h a 14h (dissabtes)
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Truca’ns al 115,
o al (+376) 301 115 si ets a l’estranger.
De 8h a 23h (de dilluns a diumenge).
En cas de pèrdua o robatori d’un terminal mòbil, l’horari és de 24 hores tots els dies de la setmana.
Despatx seu social
875 000
De 8h a 18h (de dilluns a dijous).
De 8h a 15h (divendres).
Informació telefònica
nacional i internacional

Preu de la trucada 2 € d'establiment i 0,26 € per minut.
De 8h a 24h (de dilluns a diumenge).