Andorra Telecom

Andorra Telecom, the first company in the country to join the charitable collection system
Tuesday 23 de March de 2021

Andorra Telecom, the first company in the country to join the charitable collection system

By means of the micro-donation channel promoted by Univers Bomosa and Worldcoo. The projects to which the donations will be assigned is the Andorran Red Cross Botiga Solidària (Charity Shop).

Andorra Telecom has signed an agreement with Univers Bomosa and Worldcoo to enable its customers to collaborate in the financing of the social projects of NGOs in the country. The company has developed an option to activate a fixed donation of €0.50 a month, so that customers who want to can make this contribution effective via their invoices. Once the option has been activated, the customer can deactivate it at any time. It can be activated via Andorra Telecom’s digital channels, the customer area on the App or the website, as well as in the shop.

The first project that will receive donations from Andorra Telecom’s customers will be the Andorran Red Cross Botiga Solidària. This is a social and volunteer project created in 2020 to address the complicated economic situation of many families and people in the country. In the shop there are basic need items for food, hygiene and cleaning and specific ones for babies and children.

Andorra Telecom’s customers will support the Andorran Red Cross Botiga Solidària. Bomosa and Worldcoo will subsequently submit other projects to be financed to the company. These projects are subject to thorough selection criteria, in which it is verified whether the NGOs that may receive the donations comply with the requirements of transparency, financial control, solvency and experience. These criteria are defined upon the basis of the principles of the International Committee on Fund-raising Organisations, which brings together NGO audit bodies from almost 30 countries. The NGOs that may receive the donations will undertake to submit an economic balance sheet to ensure that the funds obtained have been used for the intended purpose.

Jordi Nadal, Andorra Telecom’s Managing Director, highlighted “the opportunity provided by the initiative, at a particularly difficult time due to the consequences that the COVID-19 pandemic is bringing to many families and individuals, one which gives us all the chance to display solidarity and collaborate by making micro-donations.” Nadal also emphasised that the company implements and collaborates with different social initiatives that form part of its corporate social responsibility policy.

On behalf of Bomosa and Worldcoo, Albert Batalla explained that this initial project with which the partnership with Andorra Telecom is launched “strictly complies with the established selection criteria, as it provides a necessary service for many families in the Principality.” Batalla welcomed the fact that the initiative can begin in Andorra with the help of Andorra Telecom, and “we hope that initiatives by other NGOs in our country can be added soon.” To view a list of all the projects carried out in Andorra, the website is available as of today at

Finally, the Andorran Red Cross (the entity that will receive the donations) expressed its thanks for the opportunity to consolidate the Botiga Solidària project, which is guaranteeing essential resources to people and families who are going through difficult times.”

As of today, the operator’s customers who want to can activate and subscribe to this donation of €0.50 via the app or the company website and initiate the financing of the country’s first social project run by the social platform created by Bomosa and Worldcoo.


About Andorra Telecom

Exclusively within the territory of the Principality of Andorra, Andorra Telecom manages and operates comprehensive communication and entertainment services related to telecommunications (telephony, television and the Internet). The company offers a wide range of products and services for residential customers and ones of added value and of public interest for companies and institutions in the country.


About Worldcoo

This is a social enterprise that helps NGOs to locate the financial resources required to drive their social and cooperation projects around the world. The company undertakes to display innovation, social commitment and the total transparency of the projects with which it collaborates. Since its creation it has funded more than 500 projects, thanks to more than 22 million donations made from 35 different countries.

About Univers Bomosa

Co-working space Hive Five, Bio Bio for organic food, BMS Strategic Consulting and, in the near future, the Cramea high-performance sports centre are Bomosa companies and entities that share the goal of promoting a charitable Andorran society and a better future in a sustainable and long-lasting ecosystem. Its business profits are reinvested in the philanthropic projects of the BOMOSA Foundation.

About the Andorran Red Cross

It assists individuals and collectives by means of a series of integrated preventive, care-based, training and humanitarian aid actions with the active participation of all the members of the Andorran RC (employees, volunteers, partners, collaborators, donors, patrons, etc.).


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